The Patchway Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Inconsiderate parking in Hempton Lane, Patchway, Bristol.

Committee to consider objections to Hempton Lane parking restriction plans

Objections to proposed changes to waiting restrictions in Hempton Lane are to be considered at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Planning, Transport & Strategic Environment (PTSE) Committee next week. The objections, which relate to plans to add further double lines on the north side of the road and introduce limited waiting on the south side, were received during the

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Parking restrictions in Hempton Lane, Patchway, Bristol

Residents unanimous over revised Hempton Lane waiting restrictions

An end seems to be finally in sight to the vacillation over proposed changes to waiting restrictions in Hempton Road. South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Executive Member for Planning, Transportation and Strategic Environment has announced that he intends to accept the unanimous decision of a residents’ meeting organised by Patchway Town Council last November. The news comes after a consultation exercise

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Double yellow lines and kerb. Photo by Dominic Alves.

More consultation on Hempton Lane waiting restrictions

A public consultation has opened into the latest proposals from South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) to change the waiting restrictions in Hempton Lane. The move follows an earlier consultation held in February 2011. The Council says that residents have reported potential difficulties in accessing their properties and for emergency and delivery vehicles in the narrower parts of the road. On-street parking

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