The Story of Scrap is an adventurous collaboration between students at Patchway Community College, local charity Children’s Scrapstore, Cameron Balloons (the world leader in hot air balloon manufacturing) and Coniston Primary School in Patchway. Taking inspiration from Brandon Stanton’s renowned ‘Humans of New York’ collection, it uses images to illustrate how Children’s Scrapstore reuses manufacturing waste (scrap) for a new
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Coniston Primary School rated ‘good’ by Ofsted
Staff and pupils at Coniston Primary School in Patchway are celebrating after receiving a positive report from schools inspector Ofsted. Inspectors visited the school in March and awarded an overall rating of ‘good’, with all of the five individual areas reviewed also assessed as ‘good’. Nigel Isaac, headteacher, welcomed the report, saying: “I am delighted to receive such a positive
Continue readingPrimary school pupils’ Olympic-inspired book launched at Waterstones
Students at local primary schools in Patchway. Filton, Bradley Stoke and Stoke Gifford had their very own book launch in Waterstones, Cribbs Causeway this week. The book ‘Gathering of the Winds’ was created by artists Matthew Jeanes and Martin Maudsley along with pupils from St Chad’s, Callicroft and Coniston (Patchway); Charborough Road (Filton); Holy Family, Wheatfield and Meadowbrook (Bradley Stoke);
Continue readingAirbus graduates complete two-day makeover challenge
A two-day makeover challenge by 32 Airbus graduates has given a new lease of life to Patchway Community Centre and Coniston Primary School. Graduates were at Patchway Community Centre and put to work redecorating the main and small halls as the interior had become dilapidated through many years of use. It is hoped that the smart new interior will prove
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Murder, magic and madness – the murky themes of Macbeth were explored by children from two Patchway primary schools at a creative learning workshop. Year 6 pupils from Coniston Primary School and Callicroft Primary School were invited to the Merlin Housing Society-sponsored workshop last week. The youngsters took part in games and exercises designed to explore some of the play’s
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