This page lists current or recent planning applications that are of major significance for Patchway.
Redevelopment of Royal British Legion Site on Rodway Road
Application: PT15/5099/F (25th Nov 2015)
Description: Demolition of existing building and erection of 8no. dwellings with parking, landscaping and associated works.
New Police Station and Custody Centre on Gloucester Road
Application: PT10/0702/O (26th Mar 2010)
Description: Erection of two storey Police Station and custody facility (Outline) with access to be determined (All others matters reserved)
See: Consultation on proposed Gloucester Road police complex
A full planning application is expected to be made in January 2012.
Closure of Highwood Road to General Traffic
See our dedicated Highwood Road Linear Park page.
Major Mixed-Use Development at North Field, Filton Airfield
See our dedicated Charlton Hayes page.
Additional Car Storage Compound at Drive Vauxhall
Application: PT08/1661/F (5th June 2008)
Description: Demolition of 9 no. houses to facilitate change of use from residential to car park. Construction of new vehicular access.
Decision: Refused on the following grounds: would impact visual and residential amenity; application lacked justification in highway terms; application didn’t include a travel plan.
Application: PT09/5101/F (11th Aug 2009)
Description: Demolition of 6 no. dwellings and outbuildings to facilitate change of use of land from residential (Class C3) to car storage area (Class B8) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). Erection of 2.5 metre high brick wall and 1.8 metre high fencing. Formation of new vehicular access.
Decision: Refused on the following grounds: would impact visual and residential amenity; application fails to provide traffic mitigation measures.
Application: PT11/0855/F (18th Mar 2011)
Description: Demolition of 12 no. dwellings and outbuildings to facilitate change of use of land from residential (Class C3) to car storage area (Class B8) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). Erection of 2.5 metre high brick wall and 2.4 metre high fencing with associated landscaping. Formation of new vehicular access.