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Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

The plans below show the new neighbourhood planned for the Cribbs Causeway/Patchway area, as described in South Gloucestershire Council’s Core Strategy document in December 2010 (left) and December 2011 (right):

Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood Framework Diagram (Dec 2010) Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood Framework Diagram (Dec 2011)

Click on a thumbnail image to view a larger version [PDF, approx 0.5MB].

A more detailed plan was published as part of the public consultation on the Cribbs Causeway/Patchway New Neighbourhood Draft Supplementary Planning Document in November 2012:

Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood Framework Diagram (November 2012).

Click image to view full size as a PDF document [1.6Mb] hosted on the SGC website.

A land use plan was published in the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Pre-adoption draft – January 2014):

Land use plan for the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood (January 2014).

Click image to view full size

Framework Documents

Useful Links

Public Consultations

Public Consultation on the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Pre-adoption draft – January 2014)
Consultation open: 20th Jan 2014 to 28th Feb 2014
Comments received will be considered by the Council in deciding whether to adopt the SPD, with or without further amendment. That decision is expected to be made in March 2014. Once adopted, the Supplementary Planning Document will set out the principles and objectives for the area that the Council will use in determining any planning applications for the New Neighbourhood, and will identify the infrastructure required to support the needs of the new communities living there.

Informal consultation on  landowners/developers’ framework plan
Exhibition held on 7th, 8th and 12th November 2013
Drop-in events providing an opportunity to view exhibition material which provides a progress update and includes details of the landowners/ developers’ framework plan and outlines emerging ideas on transportation and public art in the new neighbourhood. Further information can be found in the frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Public Consultation on the Cribbs Causeway/Patchway New Neighbourhood Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Consultation open: 26th Nov 2012 to 1st Feb 2013
Comments received will inform the production of the final Supplementary Planning Document for the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood, which is anticipated to be adopted by the Council in early 2013, following the adoption of the Council’s Core Strategy document. Once adopted, the SPD will set out the design principles the Council will use in determining any planning applications for these New Neighbourhoods and they will identify the infrastructure required to support the needs of the new communities living there.

Character Areas of the New Neighbourhood

The December 2011 edition of the Core Strategy, which is currently being reviewed by an independent inspector, identifies the following “character areas”:

New Charlton

An area of new mixed development for approximately 3,700 dwellings with supporting community and social facilities, and incorporating strategic open spaces.

This area includes land south of Filton Airfield (from Charlton Common west to the A4018), land north of the airfield (but excluding Charlton Hayes) and land released through the proposed redevelopment of the airfield.

Cribbs Causeway

An area of further development and diversification, including approximately 1,000 dwellings post-2021, for future designation as a sub-regional centre.

Haw Wood

A new residential community to the west of the A4018 for approximately 1,000 dwellings, including sporting and community facilities and strategic green infrastructure.

More info: Land at Cribbs Causeway (Skanska)

Analysis of Housing Numbers

The December 2010 Core Strategy foresaw 1,750 dwellings in the “south of airfield” and Cribbs Causeway areas.

The December 2011 Core Strategy forsees 5,700 new dwellings in the Cribbs/Patchway new neighbourhood, an increase of 3,950 dwellings over the December 2010 edition.

Note: The Haw Wood area did not feature in the December 2010 edition.

Within the New Charlton area, 1,100 dwellings are to be built by Persimmon south of the airfield at Fishpool Hill – these were already planned prior to the announcement of the airfield’s closure – leaving 2,600 to be built on land currently within the boundary of the airfield.

The Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood doesn’t include Charlton Hayes, where 2,400 dwellings are now planned, an increase of 200 over the figure in the December 2010 Core Strategy. The total number of new dwellings planned for the Patchway district ward by 2026 is therefore 8,100.

Planning Applications (South Gloucestershire Council)

Land off Catbrain Hill

Applicants: Persimmon Homes And Ashfield Land

PT10/3060/F – Received 10th November 2010; Approved 22nd August 2012

Demolition of existing dwelling to allow for a redevelopment comprising 51 no. dwellings with parking, access, open space and landscaping.

PT14/1886/O – Received 27th May 2014

Demolition of nos 5 and 6 Catbrain Hill and development of 2.56 hectares of land comprising up to 110 new dwellings (Use Class C3) open space and associated works, including creation of new vehicular access from Catbrain Hill. Outline application including access, all other matters reserved.

PT17/3333/RM – Received 14th July 2017 (Applicant: Strongvox Homes)

Demolition of nos 5 and 6 Catbrain Hill and erection of 110 no new dwellings (Use Class C3), open space, landscaping, ecological corridor and associated works. (Approval of reserved matters including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be read in conjunction with outline planning permission PT14/1886/O and appeal reference APP/P0119/W/15/3137527).

Cedar Lodge Kennels, Charlton Common, Brentry

Applicants: Mr Tim And Ann Wood

PT11/1805/O – Received 6th June 2011; Refused 14th August 2012; Appeal rejected 22nd January 2013

Erection of 13 no. dwellings (Outline) with access to be determined. All other matters reserved.

PT13/0404/O – Received 7th February 2013; Approved 22nd May 2014

Erection of 13 no. dwellings (Outline) with access to be determined. All other matters reserved (Resubmission of PT11/1805/O).

Land At Wyck Beck Road And Fishpool Hill

View Fishpool Hill: Proposed Development in a larger map

Applicants: Persimmon Homes And Ashfield Land

PT12/1930/O – Received 7th June 2012; Approved 16th July 2020

Mixed use development across 53.80 hectares of land comprising up to 1,100 new dwellings (Use Class C3) a local centre (Use Classes A1,A2,A3,D1,D2) a primary school together with supporting infrastructure and facilities including: new vehicular access with Wyck Beck Road, public open space and landscaping. Outline application including access with all other matters reserved.

Land at Cribbs Causeway

Applicant: DFE Skanska Residential Limited

PT14/0565/O – Received 17th February 2014

Mixed use development of 51.49 hectares of land comprising: up to 1,000 new dwellings (Use Class C3); a 36-bed Extra Care Home (Use Class C2): a mixed use local centre including a food store up to 2000 sq.m. gross floor area (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1, D2); a 2-form entry primary school; community facilities including a satellite GP surgery, dentist and community centre; associated public open space and sporting facilities; green infrastructure integrated with foot and cycle paths; together with supporting infrastructure and facilities including three new vehicular accesses. Outline application including access, with all other matters reserved.

Former Filton Airfield

On 7th April 2022 YTL Developments submitted a planning application to update the masterplan for Brabazon: the new neighbourhood for Bristol being built on the historic former Filton Airfield.

The revised plans include a flexible framework to allow the number of homes built at Brabazon to increase to 3,750 and then in stages up to a maximum of 6,500, should the frequency and capacity of public transport services and active travel routes (e.g. cycle paths) increase sufficiently to accommodate additional homes.

PT14/3867/O – Received 6th October 2014; Approved 1st March 2018

Mixed use development on 143.13 hectares of land comprising: residential development for up to 2,675 dwellings and apartments (comprising 2,635 x Use Class C3 and 40 x Live Work Units – Sui Generis); up to 24ha of stand-alone employment land (comprising up to 17ha Use Class B1a and up to 7ha Use Class B1b/c, B2 and B8); Retail/Food and Drink facilities in Employment Hub up to 900sqm (Use Class A1/A3/A4); 120 Bed Hotel up to 3,800 sqm (Use Class C1); Rail Halt (0.45ha Use Class Sui Generis); Education provision to include a Secondary School (8.28ha) (to incorporate Built Sports Centre up to 1,550sqm Use Class D2), 2 no. Primary Schools (total 5ha) and 2 no. Childrens Nurseries (total 0.8ha) (all Use Class D1); Mixed-Use Centre to comprise Community Facilities up to 3,000sqm; Dental Surgery up to 800sqm; Health Centre up to 2,100sqm (All Use Class D1); 70 Bed Extra Care Facility up to 12,500sqm (Use Class C2); Public House up to 800sqm (Use Class A4); Opticians up to 600sqm (Use Class A1/A2); Retail/Services/Food and Drink facilities up to 500sqm (Use Classes A1, A2, A3 and A5); Business Offices up to 500sqm (Use Class B1) and Retail Supermarket up to 2,787sqm gross (Use Class A1); together with; supporting infrastructure and facilities including demolition, ground works and remediation, highways, utilities, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage system, wildlife water basins and public open space. Outline application including access, with all other matters reserved.

PT18/5892/RM – Received 6th December 2018; Approved 15th March 2019

Erection of 278no dwellings with landscaping, car parking and associated works. (Reserved matters application to be read in conjunction with Outline Planning Permission PT14/3867/O). | Parcels RO3 And RO4

P20/10471/RM – Received 15th June 2020; Approved 10th December 2022

Erection of 114 no. dwellings with landscaping, car parking and associated works. (Reserved matters application to be read in conjunction with Outline Planning Permission PT14/3867/O) (Part amendment to previously approved scheme PT18/5892/RM).

P21/05318/RM – Received 2nd August 2021; Approved 11th April 2022

Construction of primary access infrastructure (Brabazon Eastern Framework) that facilitates road links and associated pedestrian and cycle paths through the Brabazon Eastern Framework.

P21/08021/RM – Received 15th December 2021; Approved 21st October 2022

Laying out of public open space to include provision of two Local Equipped Areas of Play (LEAP), a Neighbourhood Equipped Area of Play (NEAP), area for Youth Play and a Sports Zone, informal open space, landscaping, water feature/sustainable drainage system (SuD) and all associated works (to be read in conjunction with Outline Permission PT14/3867/O).

P22/05223/RM – Received 30th August 2022; Approved 30th June 2023

Erection of 339 no. dwelling with access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale to be determined. (Approval of Reserved Matters to be read in conjunction with outline permission P21/02390/RVC formerly PT14/3867/O).

P22/02113/O – Received 7th April 2022

Mixed use development on 141.94 hectares of land comprising: residential development for up to 6,500 dwellings; Student Accommodation (Sui Generis); Business Office and Research development (Use Class E); General Industry (Use Class B2); Hotels (Use Class C1); Extra Care Accommodation (Use Class C2); Education provision to include a Secondary School, Primary Schools, Childrens Nurseries and further education buildings (Use Class E and F1); Community centres and uses inclusive of library, health (including GP and Dental facilities), and built sport facilities, (Use Class E, F1 and F2); Other E use class town centre uses up to inclusive of, public house and other drinking establishments, and hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) together with; supporting infrastructure and facilities including demolition, ground works and remediation, highways and parking inclusive of pedestrian and cycle routes, public transport inclusive of Metrobus route and rail station, utilities, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage, water basins and public open space. Outline application including access, with all other matters reserved.

P23/02494/F – Received 25th August 2023; Approved 14th December 2023

Erection of 4no. blocks of student accommodation (1,514 no. beds) with associated ancillary uses, and works.

Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood in The Journal

Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood in the Media

Persimmon Homes unveils plans for major new housing estate on Bristol’s outskirts
21st January 2011 | Bristol Evening Post
A building firm has announced it is drawing up plans for a major new housing estate on the outskirts of Bristol. Persimmon Homes is planning to build about 1,000 homes on land it already owns in South Gloucestershire. The empty land on Fishpool Hill overlooks the Filton Airfield and is close to Cribbs Causeway.

Residents demand answers over land
2nd April 2011 | Bristol Evening Post
People living near Filton airfield say they are being kept in the dark over plans for development on their doorstep after workers started clearing land near Charlton Common. Residents of Paynes Orchard, on the south side of the airfield, said the workers turned up more than a week ago and started removing trees and levelling the ground.

Massive housing estate planned alongside airfield
8th December 2011 | Bristol Evening Post
A house building firm has unveiled plans for a massive new housing estate alongside Filton Airfield. Persimmon Homes has announced it is staging a public exhibition so people living in the area can get to see the plans for the new estate for themselves.

Councillors urged to reject plan for homes by Filton Airfield
5th March 2013  | Bristol Post
Bristol councillors are being urged to recommend refusal for 1,100 new homes to be built on land bordering Filton Airfield because of the impact of extra traffic on existing roads.

The future of Filton Airfield, Bristol: 9,000 jobs could be created
14th December 2013 | Bristol Post
A blueprint for the future of Filton Airfield shows it could provide up to 9,000 jobs. And consultants estimate that the combined “spend” from residents, workers and investment in buildings could reach £400 million a year.

No evidence 9,000 jobs will be created
2nd January 2014 | Bristol Post (Letters)
I read with a great deal of scepticism the Post’s front page on the proposals for Filton Airport and surrounding areas. The consultants commissioned to promote this project are not objective in their views but are commissioned to lead the public to believe that these proposal are in their interests.

So what does lie in store for former Bristol airfield?
20th January 2014 | Bristol Post
ASK anyone in the street about the demise of Filton airfield and the answer will undoubtedly be one of sadness, perhaps even anger … Remember, there are a total of 8,000 homes envisaged for the Cribbs/Patchway Neighbourhood Area and the adjacent Charlton Hayes development, where work has already begun on 2,200 homes.

Filton Airfield future Developer tells of his ‘sense of duty’
6th February 2014 | Bristol Post
Developer Nick Shattock stands on the runway at Filton Airfield where some of the world’s most famous planes have taken off and landed. He is fully aware the airfield represents one of the best pieces of brownfield development sites outside London now the roar of aero engines has sadly died away.

Filton Keynes: Plans to transform airfield near Bristol into new neighbourhood unveiled
19th October 2014 | Bristol Post
The vision to transform Filton Airfield into homes, schools, shops and businesses over the next 20 years can be revealed in detail for the first time. Land owner BAE Systems has submitted an outline planning application for the site to South Gloucestershire Council.

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