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‘Filton Keynes’ framework agreement signed

Signing of the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood Framework Agreement.

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has announced the completion of an important agreement between developers and landowners which will see thousands of new homes and supporting infrastructure built at the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood (CPNN) over the next ten years.

The new neighbourhood will provide approximately 5,700 dwellings, around 50 hectares of employment land, open spaces, schools, community facilities, a new railway station and a dedicated route for MetroBus.

Dubbed ‘Filton Keynes’, this will be a very major development and SGC says it is keen to ensure that work is co-ordinated and that the potential impacts on surrounding communities are identified and addressed.

Development land within the new neighbourhood is in several different ownerships, including YTL Developments, Deeley Freed, Taylor Wimpey and BAE.

The CPNN framework agreement will ensure that all future development in the area is carried out in a collaborative and co-ordinated way, specifically that the required infrastructure for the whole site is delivered at the appropriate time, in the appropriate location, rather than on a piecemeal basis on individual disparate sites. It will also make sure that access is gained between individual development sites within the new neighbourhood, and ensure triggers for the timing and delivery of infrastructure, services and facilities. The endorsed framework plan demonstrates how access across the wider new neighbourhood can be achieved.

Colin Skellett, chairman of YTL Developments, said:

“Signing the framework agreement is an important step forward in unlocking the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood. Following the granting of outline planning permission in October 2017 for 2,650 new homes and 24 hectares of employment land on our airfield site, YTL is now working on finalising the other planning agreements required to start construction of our new site access in March. We will work with our neighbours, SGC and the local communities to deliver much needed housing across the area.”

Steve Evans, director of environment & community services at SGC, said:

“The signing of the agreement marks another major milestone for the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood which will create many new homes, jobs, community facilities and vital infrastructure as the development takes shape over the next decade.”

• More info:

Photo: Signing of the CPNN Framework Agreement. L-r: David Freed (Deeley Freed), Ralph Hawkin (Taylor Wimpey), Steve Evans (South Gloucestershire Council), Hong Yeoh (YTL), Mike Craddock (BAE Systems).

This article originally appeared in the March 2018 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on pages 18 & 19). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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One comment

  1. So, you announce an agreement to over develop the Patchway area, whilst still carrying out local consultation meetings?? is this some kind of joke or are you all beneficiaries to the decision?
    This smacks of collusion and back room dealing.. how can you possibly make a decision without taking into account local opinion?
    After attending one of your “consultation” sessions it became very obvious that you had no intention of listening, this arrogance towards local people has now been confirmed.
    Shame on you SGC, corrupt to the core.

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