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Permission granted for first major housing scheme in Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood

Land use plan for the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood (January 2014).

Outline planning permission has been granted for the first of three major housing developments set to make up the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood (CPNN), most of which lies within the Patchway district ward of South Gloucestershire.

The scheme, by Persimmon Homes and Ashfield Land, will see the construction of up to 1,100 homes on a 133-acre site at Fishpool Hill, near Cribbs Causeway.

A new local centre, primary school, leisure and community facilities and transport infrastructure will also be delivered as part of the scheme.

The Chair of South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Control (West) Committee, Cllr Dave Hockey, said:

“This is a landmark decision and a significant step forward for the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood.”

“In time this scheme will form part of a major new self-contained community within South Gloucestershire providing many of the new homes, jobs and infrastructure we will need in the coming years.”

“Committee members are grateful to all those who responded to the council’s consultation on this scheme and have carefully considered all comments received as part of the decision-making process.”

“One outcome of this is that councillors have agreed that an extra planning condition should be added to the Fishpool Hill development requiring Persimmon Homes to set up a Residents’ Liaison Group before the start of construction, to allow any problems relating to the development to be discussed.”

The Fishpool Hill development is one of three major schemes which will make up the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood of approximately 5,700 homes, 123 acres of employment land, new open spaces, schools and community facilities over the next 15 years.

The two other major schemes within the New Neighbourhood development – one to the north of the A4018 Cribbs Causeway, and the other on the site of the former airfield at Filton – are expected to be considered by the committee in the coming months.

South Gloucestershire councillors and officers have been working closely with local community leaders in the surrounding South Gloucestershire and Bristol communities to address the impacts of the new neighbourhood and ensure its benefits are maximised for the area. This work will continue as the delivery of the planned development progresses.

In a related development this week, the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood was  adopted, subject to agreed final modifications, by the council’s Planning, Transportation & Strategic Environment (PTSE) Committee. The SPD amplifies the allocation of the New Neighbourhood in section CS26 of the council’s Core Strategy, aiding infrastructure delivery and setting out in detail the need, timing and, where appropriate, location of infrastructure requirements.

Source: Press release from South Gloucestershire Council (SGC)

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  1. I wonder if Dave Hockey would be so glowing in his comments on the development if it was situated in his constituency of Winterbourne. 1100 homes on 133 acres sounds a bit cramped, there is a a lot of profit to be made.

  2. “…a major new self-contained community within South Glos”, really, at whose benefit?
    5,700 homes = 10,000+ cars on already over congested badly laid out roads, so again! for whose benefit is this a landmark decision?
    There is no such thing as a ‘self-contained community’ unless you live in the Scottish highlands so cut the crap. Anyone buying a house there will be because of the motorway link, not some wishy washy ideal of plentiful jobs and a happy clappy lifestyle promised by the fantasy posters I’m sure that will follow.
    I’m no nimby but if SGC want to build a new community, go do it up or down the M5 corridor, away from Bristol. I don’t want to be gridlocked by shoddy planning and some halcyon dream of a north fring utopia.
    I’m sure there are many who are sick of SGC making life for those in Patchway and anyone who uses the A38 to get to work a total misery.. it’s clear the master plan is to make travelling anywhere by car in North Bristol totally impossible and that you honestly believe we’ll use public transport instead…
    get real.
    As R Strong points out, those not living in this ward should have no say in its future.

  3. Those of us who live in Bristol District on arterial roads already clogged by traffic see South Gloucestershire Council earning Council Tax cynically at the expense of Bristolians. Will the owners of these new homes rush off to work in Chipping Sodbury or will they see themselves as Bristolians, living on the boundaries of our fair city? Who can disagree that the truth is the latter?

    So the case is made. South Goucestershire is a parasitic authority which must be absorbed into the City of Bristol so that our metro mayor can ensure that in future all Bristolians are given a fair hearing on matters of this nature. South Gloucestershire has played a dangerous game and has sown the wind. We Bristolians shall ensure that it reaps the whirlwind.

  4. I don’t wish to be as you say absorbed in to Bristol because Bristol is going back into time not moving forward as other Cities are doing
    And as for the Silly man you call a Mayor he cant get anything right

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