The Patchway Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
"Road ahead closed" sign on Highwood Road, Patchway.

Last chance to comment on ‘experimental’ closure of Highwood Road

Local residents have just one more day to submit comments about the controversial closure of Highwood Road to South Gloucestershire Council (SGC). The council’s public consultation on the “experimental” closure of a section of the road between Durban Road and Coniston Road ends tomorrow (Friday 19th April). SGC decided in July 2012 to press ahead with proposals to close the

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Dreamscheme litter pick at Asda, Cribbs Causeway.

Youngsters join McDonald’s staff in Dreamscheme litter picking challenge

Local McDonald’s franchisee Mike Guerin and crew from the Patchway McDonald’s restaurant joined forces with Patchway Town Council and Southern Brooks Community Partnership for a Dreamscheme action day last Wednesday (27th March), encouraging younger members of the community to look after their local environment. The Dreamscheme squad embarked on a litter picking challenge covering the whole of the Patchway area, starting from

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Opening speech at the 2013 Grand Final of the South West Flying Start Challenge.

Rolls-Royce helps stage final of schools’ engineering challenge

Aerospace companies from around the South West, including Patchway-based Rolls-Royce, recently staged the Grand Final of a schools competition which aims to encourage Key Stage 3 students to take up science, technology, engineering and maths. Over 130 pupils from thirteen secondary schools in the South West took part in the Grand Final of the Flying Start Challenge at the Fleet

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Your views: Patchway vox pop.

Vox pop: Highwood Road closure

The closure of Highwood Road in Patchway has caused a lot of controversy. Many local people have had to change their route to work or have been affected by diverted traffic, and the petition to keep the road open has so far been ignored by South Gloucestershire Council. So how has this change affected the daily lives of people living

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Potholes in Consiton Road, Patchway, Bristol.

Coniston Road to be resurfaced next week

A Patchway road that has been riddled with potholes for years is to be closed for resurfacing for up to five days next week (w/c Monday 18th March). South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has announced that the stretch of Coniston Road between Rodway Road and Waterside Drive will be subject to “major maintenance works” that will involve the planing off of

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Callicroft Primary School, Rodway Road, Patchway, Bristol.

Uncertainty continues as Callicroft School fails to recruit new headteacher

The process of recruiting a new headteacher for Callicroft Primary School has suffered a setback after just two people applied for the job, which had been advertised nationally in January. The position became vacant after the previous holder of the post, Sandra Lakeman, resigned suddenly last October. Governers at the school have since decided that neither of the two applicants

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