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Residents object to Aztec West radiotherapy centre plans

Building at 300 Park Avenue, Aztec West, Bristol.

Plans to turn an empty office block in the Aztec West Business Park into a healthcare facility specialising in radiotherapy treatment have met opposition from the residents of nearby properties in Hempton Lane, who say they fear an increase in noise and pollution.

Objectors to the scheme have also sought assurances that they would not be at risk from radiation emanating from the proposed development.

The office block, at 300 Park Avenue, is currently unoccupied and undergoing internal alterations. Until recently, part of the building was used by the St John Ambulance organisation.

Information submitted with the planning application states that the facility will employ ten full-time staff, with an anticipated 5,250 patients visiting annually once the centre has become established in four years time.

South Gloucestershire Council has received eleven letters of objection from occupiers of neighbouring properties, plus a petition of objection signed by 35 residents.

The council’s Sites Inspection (West) Sub-Committee visited the site last Friday (21st June) and a report is expected to be brought before the next meeting of the full planning committee on Thursday 4th July.

Agents working for Spire Healthcare, the company behind the scheme, have indicated that they are prepared to accept a planning condition that requires an acoustic barrier to be installed at the rear of the site, in order to “prevent unacceptable noise impacts to adjoining residential properties”. They also say they are preapred to limit the facility’s hours of operation to 7am-9pm, seven days per week.

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  1. This application, if granted, will increase operation hours and disturbance to residents. If Spire get planning, not only will their facility impact on our lives, but it will open the floodgates for all business operators to apply for longer operational hours – a VERY significant impact on us. The Noise that will be generated will more than double our current background noise which will also significantly impact our lives. In addition, the planning process is questionable. Only one site notice was ever put up and several requests for information from planning have not been forthcoming. Documents submitted by spire also contradict themselves and definitely contradict some of the “assurances” claimed at a recent community information exhibition. While we agree cancer treatments are essential – this facility will only be for Private clients and not serve the local community as they claim. It will also reduce employment opportunities in a designated employment safeguarded area.

  2. Its a business park. I think the residents moved to the wrong bit of town for peace and quiet. A bit like moving next to an airport and complaining about the planes. It’s a clinic so probably quieter than many other businesses that might dare to pop up in a “business” park.

  3. The houses and a lot of the residents were here before the business park was ever thought about. The residents are concerned about the noise levels 24 hours a day from the ground source heat pumps, even airports don’t function 24 hours a day. Other concerns are leakage from the linac accelerators, which children from patchway community college will be walking within metres from, despite Spire healthcare’s reassurances that they can’t leak, there was a leak from one in Hawaii in 2011. It is a shame that patchway community college were not interested in asking any questions themselves about safety. When spire were asked if we would be told if there was ever a leak we were told no, they wouldn’t tell us. Hardly reassuring .

  4. Patchway Community college won’t be there in a few years time they are going to sale all the land that comes with the school as it will make more money for them ,can’t you see that’s what’s happening as the school is the only one that hasn’t had Millions spent on it like all the other in SG.
    That’s what I think but I hope I’m wrong we shall see if I am

  5. Employing 10 staff and having 5,250 annual visits is hardly Piccadilly Circus – equates to roughly 20 visitors per day so traffic in the general area is no real problem. One lineac accelerator leakage in the world in the last two plus years is not good but put into perspective far more people die each year from the effect of pollution caused by motorists. I take it all those complaining do not use cars to commute to work etc, but use public transport?

    I have a better idea – let’s allow the building to continue to stand empty and it will eventually full into disrepair and become home to vagrants. I’m sure that the rats which will also take up residence will be welcomed by those complaining as a preference to the planned development.

  6. what a fantastic idea for all those people locally suffering with cancer, not having to travel miles to get treatment.
    People are quick to moan about the wait for treatment for cancer and the travelling and cost of parking at BRI, this would have been such a releif to alot of patients wanting to live and beat this horrible disease

  7. In a report published on the SGC website today, council officers recommend that planning permission is GRANTED. The report will be discussed at the planning meeting on 4th July.

  8. Unfortunately most local people will not be able to afford to pay spires fees this is a purely private facility so most local people will still have to go to the BRI and face the parking problems. This planning application by Spire is so that they can make more money not to provide a free service for the likes of most local people that the NHS does, so people that have problems parking at the BRI or don’t have the means to pay for a taxi to the BRI for their treatment could pay spire a ridiculous amount and go to Aztec West instead

  9. A Radiotherapy Centre would make good use of an empty building and I have no doubt that the NHS would make good use of its services. I have had first hand experience of Radiotherapy. After six months of Chemo, I then attended the Radiotherapy dept at the B.R.I every day for three weeks for which I am very grateful. However, it took all my strength each day travelling to and fro even though you might say that the BRI is not that far away.

    Spire already take on work for the NHS in many areas why not Radiotherapy. My father had to have Radiotherapy in 1962/63 I have never heard of any leak or incident in the Fifty years since then.

  10. Spire also takes on NHS Patients (no paying ones)so this is a brilliant idea if it helps people all over the place .BRI is a nightmare to get to and park .

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