The Patchway Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Parking restrictions in Hempton Lane, Patchway, Bristol

Residents unanimous over revised Hempton Lane waiting restrictions

An end seems to be finally in sight to the vacillation over proposed changes to waiting restrictions in Hempton Road. South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Executive Member for Planning, Transportation and Strategic Environment has announced that he intends to accept the unanimous decision of a residents’ meeting organised by Patchway Town Council last November. The news comes after a consultation exercise

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Some of the winners of the 2012 Community Awards

Unsung heroes honoured with Community Awards

Four people involved in voluntary work in Patchway were among 28 “unsung heroes” honoured at last week’s South Gloucestershire Community Awards evening in Filton. Michael Fautley from Chipping Sodbury, Andrew Phelps from Stoke Gifford, Dennis Richardson and Jessica Godsell (both from Little Stoke) received Chair’s Community Awards at a special ceremony held at BAWA last Thursday (29th March). The awards

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