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Rolls-Royce, Patchway, Bristol.

Record profits for Rolls-Royce in 2011

Rolls-Royce, which makes military aero engines and marine gas turbines at its plant in Patchway, has announced record annual profits of more than £1 billion for 2011. The company’s order book was at peak levels at 31st December 2011, showing £62.2 billion of forward orders, a rise of 5% on its 2010 year-end. John Rishton, Chief Executive, said: “Rolls-Royce performed

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Proposed ban on left turn into Shellmor Avenue, Patchway

Second consultation on Shellmor Avenue traffic proposals

South Gloucestershire Council has started a second consultation on traffic management measures proposed to be implemented in Shellmor Avenue, Stoke Lodge. The Council ran its first consultation in October/November 2011, when local residents were asked to decide which of five proposals they preferred – ranging from completely blocking of Shellmor Avenue at its junction with the A38 Gloucester Road to

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Chance to recycle unwanted electrical items for free

Patchway residents who have unwanted or broken electrical items lingering at home have an opportunity to recycle their small waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) for free tomorrow (Tuesday 24th January) at an event being staged by South Gloucestershire Council’s recycling and resource management contractor SITA UK. Toasters, irons, kettles, games consoles, DVD players, electrical toothbrushes and similar small electrical

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