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Committee to consider objections to Hempton Lane parking restriction plans

Inconsiderate parking in Hempton Lane, Patchway, Bristol.

Objections to proposed changes to waiting restrictions in Hempton Lane are to be considered at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Planning, Transport & Strategic Environment (PTSE) Committee next week.

The objections, which relate to plans to add further double lines on the north side of the road and introduce limited waiting on the south side, were received during the ‘Phase II’ public consultation held in August and September this year.

Double yellow lines have already been introduced around the turning circle at the western end of the lane and on a short stretch of the north side of the lane, opposite Patchway Community College, as part of the earlier ‘Phase I’ work.

A meeting of local residents, Councillors, police and representatives of Patchway Community College held in November last year unanimously agreed the ‘Phase II’ proposals but four people, including two residents of Hempton Lane, have now submitted formal objections.

The two residents who have complained say the proposed limited waiting time of “two hours in four” would prevent visitors from parking outside their properties.

The report notes that both of the residents live at properties that do not have off-street parking (there are three such properties in the road).

Two other objectors say they are against the entire scheme as they don’t accept there are any parking problems at the location.

The Council’s officers have recommended that the ‘Phase II’ plans are implemented “as advertised” but they also propose that a residents’ parking scheme be implemented, subject to it achieving 70% support amongst residents.

A further three-week consultation would be required before a residents’ parking scheme could be implemented, they add.

A decision is expected to be made by members of the 13-strong Committee next Wednesday (28th November).

More info: Report to the PTSE Committee (SGC) [PDF]

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  1. If you think Hempton Lane is bad – at least it is not a through road. Try looking at Stroud Road, Cavendish Road, Worthing Road and Bradley Road to see examples of atrocious parking – and most of that is residents. Cars are regularly parked in close proximity to junctions, half on the kerb or totally on the pavements which are all illegal. About time that the local parking enforcement officers went along, particularly at weekends or in the evening issuing a few tickets. At these times I would hate there to be an emergency which required the attendance of a fire engine via one of these routes, particularly bearing in mind we have a fire station within 100 yards of two of the above roads.
    The majority of householders have parking at rear of the property – many have introduced dropped kerbs to enable parking on the frontage. Those residents who have second cars in the household should consider where they are going to park before procurring them.

  2. That’s a good point most of them can’t be bothered to park in their garages or round the back ,maybe they should put Yellow lines on part of these roads

  3. Yellow lines on these roads mind, where people park badly? Don’t close Highwood Road mind, won’t someone think of the Pensioners, Traffic, MYSELF….

    What a crock most Patchwegians are.

  4. @Patchway Bloke
    What point are you trying to make ,your first comment was ok then you seem to go on a rant that doesnt make sense.????

  5. As you will all be aware the PTSE committee met on Wednesday to consider the objections put forward by two local residents and three NON residents.
    The NON residents concerns were that they did not consider parking in Hempton Lane to be a problem-where have these people been since we started this battle in 2003. Some of us attended this meeting and we spoke on behalf of the residents that have been behind this battle for many years now and have fought this all the way.
    Aztec west have plenty of parking spaces available and only want to park within Hempton lane because of shear laziness. Well I can confirm now that the Phase 11 plan was voted upon and the majority show of hands from the councillors was unanimous, finally local residents have been heard and we are now pushing this to be implimented as soon as possible.
    I would suggest you Aztec west workers find alternative places to park within your workplace and then local residents can get back to their everyday lives without the constant abuse and harrasment. I believe Patchway suffers a lot with the same type of parking and I am sure there are some of you out there that feel the same and believe me you can battle against anyone if you put the time and effort in with the support of your local residents and local council.
    I can tell you now the battle is well worth it in the end for local residents safety and piece of mind after all this is your community.

    Thanks to Patchway Councilors for their support to this scheme.

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