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Students get the chance to perform at the Colston Hall

'The Patch Factor' - held at Patchway Community College, Bristol.

Students at Patchway Community College are being offered a chance to play in front of a crowd of 2,000 people at Bristol’s Colston Hall.

The annual competition called ‘The PatchFactor’ is run by staff at the secondary school and offers every student from Year 7 right through to Year 13 a chance to showcase their talents in front of the school and the four PatchFactor judges. The winner usually gets a few reward points but this year it is different.

For two consecutive years, Patchway Community College has hosted ‘The Fusion Festival’, a festival which combines all different cultures and a variety of acts, on the school’s main field. It has been a great success and next year (2013) it is being held at the Colston Hall in the centre of Bristol. Some of this year’s PatchFactor winners will be able to perform at the Fusion Festival at the Colston Hall as a reward for winning the talent competition.

The PatchFactor has been a huge success over the years with each year group embracing the fun, celebration and competition. It’s the time of year all the staff and students look forward to, and this year will certainly be the best year by far!


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