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Residents unanimous over revised Hempton Lane waiting restrictions

Parking restrictions in Hempton Lane, Patchway, Bristol

An end seems to be finally in sight to the vacillation over proposed changes to waiting restrictions in Hempton Road.

South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Executive Member for Planning, Transportation and Strategic Environment has announced that he intends to accept the unanimous decision of a residents’ meeting organised by Patchway Town Council last November.

The news comes after a consultation exercise in February 2011 yielded no overall majority view on possible changes to waiting restrictions in the road, where residents have for a long time complained about difficulties in accessing their properties as a result of on-street parking by non-residents.

A second consultation ran from 13th November to 2nd December last year, in which two further sets of proposals were presented by SGC. The results of that consultation are still be published but a note on the Council’s website reveals that “an objection has been raised against any introduction of waiting restrictions by a non-resident of Hempton Lane”.

However, a few days prior to the opening of the second consultation, Patchway Town Council organised a public meeting for residents of Hempton Lane at which it was unanimously agreed to support ‘option 2’, subject to a number of amendments.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of Patchway Community College and the local police beat team.

In a decision published earlier this month, the SGC Executive Member has now proposed that:

“… the scheme as advertised in January 2011 be implemented with the exception of a short length of proposed ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restriction opposite the school entrance and that the remaining waiting restrictions as agreed at the Town Council’s meeting on the 10th November 2011 be publicly advertised.”

Local member for Patchway Cllr Eve Orpen has responded:

“I hope that the agreement agreed with the residents, Town Council and the College is put into operation as soon as possible. This item has been a long time in the system, and it now time for it to be put into operation.”

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  1. If only ,restrictions are only going to be put on turning circle , so parking is going to get worse everywhere else on hempton lane , despite residents meeting it seems what everyone agreed with is not happening in June 6 th , it’s like a taxi rank at 3.15 pm , major problem is eastern part of hempton lane but nobody will listen .

  2. Timothy, as Patchway Labour Press person I have been given a statement from those most involved in this process for Patchway and SGC Labour. Hope this helps.

    “Patchway Labour are disappointed that only the first part of the scheme (turning circle) is being activated on 6th June. The remainder of what was agreed is still subject to the legal process, however, should follow shortly. Once both parts of the resident led scheme are in place Patchway Town Council can continue to press ahead with the also agreed resident only parking for the two residents who don’t have off street parking. This could be one of the first two roads to benefit from a new residents only parking policy that is also just being finalised.”

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