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Stoke Lodge Primary gets improved rating from Ofsted


Patchway’s Stoke Lodge Primary School has been rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors who visited the school at the end of September.

The team of four inspectors observed a total of 18 lessons at the 368-pupil school, located in School Close, off Bourton Avenue.

Lead inspector Christine Huard writes in her report:

“Stoke Lodge is a good school. It has some outstanding features particularly in the high quality of care it affords its pupils and in some aspects of their personal development. It provides its pupils with an interesting and inspiring curriculum which means that pupils are well motivated and as a result they have made good progress with their learning.”

Remarking on the improvement shown since previous inspections in 2005 and 2009, which had rated the school “satisfactory”, the report adds:

“The school has moved forward greatly since the last inspection. Attainment has steadily risen year on year from significantly below average to above average in 2011.”

Areas where the inspector believes further improvement can be made include providing more challenging work for higher attaining pupils in mathematics, ensuring that teachers’ action plans contain success criteria that are specific and easily measurable and giving pupils a better understanding of the diversity of faiths and cultures in the United Kingdom.

A message on the school’s website welcomes the report’s findings and thanks the school community for its support:

“Ofsted recognised that the leadership of the school is extremely skilled, fully committed and drive forward the ambitious, but realistic, programme outlined in the school development plan.”

“We would like to thank our staff, parents, children and wider community for their support over the years to develop a lot of these fantastic features and look forward to lifting this further towards outstanding overall.”

Related link: Schools in Patchway (The Journal)

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